TinyCore 15 x64 Virtual Machine – very small VM for testing

I recently made a post about building a new TinyCore 15 virtual machine for testing. As with past VM builds of this distribution, I used the x86 CorePlus ISO image. I had someone ask me why I didn’t use the x86 Pure 64 version instead. I didn’t have a good reason, only that many years ago I had struggled to get it working, but didn’t remember any of the details on what problem I encountered. This post will cover steps very similar to the previous article, but building the x86-64 port in a virtual machine.

The Virtual Machine

When creating the virtual machine, I used the following options:

  • Compatible with: ESXi 6.7 U2 and later (vmx-15)
  • Operating System: Linux / Other 4.x or later Linux (64-bit)
  • 1 vCPU
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 1 GB disk (thin provisioned)
  • Expand Video card > Total video memory = 8MB (when using GUI, for CLI only I left it at the default 4MB)
  • VM Options tab > Boot Options > Firmware = BIOS

These are the same options used in the x32 version of this article, with the exception of the ‘operating system’ selected in step 2.

The Install

  • Power on VM
  • Open Remote Console (the one that launches VMRC or VMware Workstation, not the web console)
  • Attach to a local TinyCorePure64 ISO image (specifically I used this ISO: http://tinycorelinux.net/15.x/x86_64/release/TinyCorePure64-current.iso)
  • CTRL+ALT+INS to reboot
  • Select Boot TinyCorePure64 (default)
  • Select Apps > Click the Apps button (top left) > ‘Cloud (Remote)’ > Browse
  • Find the Remote Extension tc-install-GUI.tcz
  • Change the toggle in bottom left to ‘Download + Load’ and click Go. A window with progress should appear, this will take a minute to complete.
  • Click the installation button on the task bar. Select Frugal > Whole Disk > sda > install boot loader > ext4
  • Install Extensions from this TCE/CDE Directory, left as default /mnt/sr0/cde
  • Proceed
  • When the display says “installation has completed”, Exit > Shutdown.
  • Power On VM (this will ensure that the CD is no longer connected and boot into the install)
  • The VM likely boots to the error failed in waitforX and leaves you at a tc@box:~$ command prompt.


In the previous article, I created a bit of automation to build a TinyCore appliance to set hostname, include my CA certificate, install open-vm-tools, install Firefox if using a GUI. For this x86-64 version, I’m going to use that same script.

After following the above instructions to install, we should be at a failed in waitforX console. Running the script which installs open-vm-tools will resolve this issue. The previous article outlines the script, its placement on a web server, and some other ancillary files. Assuming those dependencies are already in place, we only need to run:

wget http://www.example.com/build/buildscript2.txt
mv buildscript2.txt buildscript2.sh
chmod +x buildscript2.sh
./buildscript2.sh tc-150x64-gui

The above commands will set the hostname to tc-150x64-gui, and since gui is part of the name, will also install graphical components open-vm-tools-desktop as well as Firefox. Our internal CA will also be trusted at the command prompt and in Firefox. Once the script is complete, we can sudo reboot and confirm everything boots up. When we launch Firefox we’ll be able to see that it is the 64-bit version (from Help > About Firefox).

For a CLI version of this VM, I also made changes to /mnt/sda1/tce/onboot.lst to only include ca-certificates.tcz, curl.tcz, pcre.tcz, and open-vm-tools.tcz. I saved these changes by running backup and then rebooting again to confirm success. After exporting these to OVA files, I now have a folder with a variety of VMs that can be quickly deployed as needed.

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Fine-Tuning Updates: Targeted Host Remediation with vSphere Lifecycle Manager

In vSphere 7.0 functionality was introduced to be able to manage a cluster of ESXi hosts with a single image. In addition to being a bit easier to configure than the prior Update Manager Baselines, this feature also integrates with Hardware Support Managers to be able to update host firmware.

PowerCLI 12.1 introduced the ability to remediate against these single images, using syntax like:

Get-Cluster img-test | Set-Cluster -Remediate -AcceptEULA

This and other vLCM cmdlets are discussed in this blog post: https://blogs.vmware.com/PowerCLI/2020/10/new-release-powercli-12-1-vlcm-enhancements.html.

This is a very simple command and works very well to programmatically interact with the clusters if you have many to remediate. However, sometimes we need to remediate hosts in a more controlled order, or as part of a larger workflow. For example, perhaps we need to notify an operations management product or team before a host goes into maintenance to prevent after hour pages or service desk issues being logged. This can be done, but requires a few extra cmdlets. The code block below provides sample commands to remediate a specific host in a cluster.

$clusterid = (Get-Cluster 'Img-Test').ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
$vmhostid = (Get-VMHost 'h178-vesx-04.lab.enterpriseadmins.org').ExtensionData.MoRef.Value

# Initialize hosts to updates, hostids can be specified comma separated.
$SettingsClustersSoftwareApplySpec = Initialize-SettingsClustersSoftwareApplySpec -Hosts $vmhostid -AcceptEula $true 

# Apply the specification object to the cluster
$taskId = Invoke-ApplyClusterSoftwareAsync -Cluster $clusterid -SettingsClustersSoftwareApplySpec $SettingsClustersSoftwareApplySpec

# The apply task runs async so we need to watch tasks for it to complete.
$task=Get-Task |?{$_.Id -eq "CisTask-$taskId"} 

# Loop until the task finishes
While ($task.State -eq "Running") {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 
    $task=Get-Task |?{$_.Id -eq "CisTask-$taskId"} 

In the example above we get the ID value of the cluster and host, these are the values like domain-c3146330 and host-3146220 and are the values required by the cmdlets we are using.

We then create a spec to apply. The parameters are described here: https://developer.vmware.com/apis/vsphere-automation/latest/esx/api/esx/settings/clusters/cluster/softwareactionapplyvmw-tasktrue/post/. I was originally confused by the -commit parameter until I found this documentation. I had assumed the property was similar to a git commit message and was passing in random strings of text. The property is optional, so in the above example I do not pass in the argument at all. However, if you’d like to find the current/expected value, you can get it from the cluster object like this: (Invoke-GetClusterSoftwareCompliance -Cluster 'domain-c3146214').commit

Next we pass our clusterid and above spec to the ‘Invoke’ function. The command returns a task ID, so we are capturing the output to a variable so we can use it later. The Invoke command runs asynchronously, so we will use this ID to check on the status until the task completes.

At the end we are checking for the task to complete. The Get-Task cmdlet has an -ID parameter, but in my testing I would get an error of The identifier CisTask-525d3596-4a7a-60ab-df10-ab97999b8511:com.vmware.esx.settings.clusters.software resulted in no objects. when I tried to pass the ID to Get-Task. Using where-object instead worked reliably, so I used it instead.

Hopefully this helps if you have the need to remediate a single host in a cluster using a vLCM Image.

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Video Card Power Consumption & Savings

The primary system in my homelab is a Dell Precision 7920 Tower. I recently had the case opened and looking inside I saw the video card. This is a physically large Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080ti GPU, but for my purposes was overkill. The system typically runs virtual machine workloads that do little to nothing video related. I noticed that this GPU had extra power running to the card and it made me wonder how much extra power it would consume, even in an idle state.

I have a Kill A Watt monitor which can measure power usage, so I connected it up and powered on the system. It booted to ESXi and sitting in maintenance mode the system used between 160 and 180 watts of power, typically running at the lower end of that range.

I then removed the GPU and replaced it with a lower end MSI Geforce 210 (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003XM568I) for $40USD. This card gets all its power from the PCI bus, no extra power input required. Checking this configuration with the same Kill A Watt, from the same maintenance mode state previously tested, I was using between 100 and 120 watts.

Using an electricity calculator, this savings of 60 watts running 24/7, at around $0.15USD/kWh, is a savings of $79USD. The ROI for this replacement video card is great, paying for itself in about 6 months. I had incorrectly assumed that the GPU wouldn’t be consuming much power in an idle state, but this test confirmed that significant energy savings could be realized with a minor change, not impacting the specific use case.

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Upgrade Issues using Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.16

I recently upgraded to Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.16.0 in a lab and ran into issues upgrading various products it managed.

Aria Operations for Logs (formerly vRealize Log Insight) was being upgraded 8.14.0 to 8.16.0, but failed with error LCMVRLICONFIG40004

Aria Automation Config (formerly vRealize Salt Stack Config) was being upgraded from 8.14.1 to 8.16.1, but failed with error LCMUPGRADEVSSC10102

Aria Automation (formerly vRealize Automation) was being upgraded from 8.14.0 to 8.16.1, but failed with error LCMVRACONFIG50008

Aria Operations for Networks (formerly vRealize Network Insight) was being upgraded from 6.11.0 to 6.12.1, but failed with error LCMVRNICONFIG90115 (platform) and LCMVRNICONFIG90114 (collector)

In all four cases, the same KB article saved the day: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/95835. Removing older ciphers for the SSH service allowed Aria Suite Lifecycle to connect/start/validate upgrade progress.

It took a bit of troubleshooting to figure this out, but ultimately it was the detailed error from the Ops for Logs failure that helped the most: com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.vrli.exception.VrliInvalidHostException: Cannot execute ssh commands. Exception encountered : Session.connect: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: key spec not recognized. This led me to looking for KB articles related to SSH for Aria products. I found KB 95835, tested it quickly and was then on my way. When I ran into the subsequent errors with Automation & Automation Config, I tried this same KB article with similar success.

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TinyCore 15 Virtual Machine – very small VM for testing

For several years I’ve been using a couple of very small TinyCore Linux virtual machines for testing in my lab. These run very well in nested infrastructure and have a package to support open-vm-tools so you can interact with them like normal virtual machines (for example, cmdlets like Shutdown-VMGuest will interact with them). I was recently updating templates to TinyCore 14.0, when I realized that version 15.0 had just released (https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,26861.0.html). I wanted to share the steps to create these new templates in this post.

I have a pair of these virtual machines, one has a GUI and the other is command line only. I primarily use the CLI version because it uses even less resources, but keep the GUI one around in case I need a test web browser available.

The Virtual Machine

When creating the virtual machine, I used the following options:

  • Compatible with: ESXi 6.7 U2 and later (vmx-15)
  • Operating System: Linux / Other 4.x or later Linux (32-bit)
  • 1 vCPU
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 1 GB disk (thin provisioned)
  • Expand Video card > Total video memory = 8MB (when using GUI, for CLI only I left it at the default 4MB)
  • VM Options tab > Boot Options > Firmware = BIOS

The Install

  • Power on VM
  • Open Remote Console (the one that launches VMRC or VMware Workstation, not the web console)
  • Attach to a local CorePlus ISO image (specifically I used this ISO: http://tinycorelinux.net/15.x/x86/release/CorePlus-current.iso)
  • CTRL+ALT+INS to reboot
  • Select Boot Core with X/GUI (TinyCore) + Installation Extension
  • Click the installation button on the task bar. Select Frugal > Whole Disk > sda > install boot loader > ext4
  • Select either ‘core and x/gui desktop’ or ‘core only (text based interface)’ depending on which is appropriate.
  • Proceed
  • When the display says installation successful, Exit > Shutdown.
  • Power On VM (this will ensure that the CD is no longer connected and boot into the install)
  • At this point, we have a usable VM, but no VMware Tools.


I’ve done these customization steps a number of times, but this time I spent a few extra minutes to partially automate the process.

If booting into a GUI, I move the use the control panel > tcWbarConf and set the position to Left Vertical or Top Left. Having it at the bottom is sort of awkward, as sometimes when the screen resizes, this is left in the middle of the screen. Once positioned, I exit and select Exit to Prompt.

Since the VM doesn’t have/need SSH for my purposes, and copy/paste isn’t available, I placed the script and some associated files on a webserver. Once the system was online, I used wget to download the script, renamed the file, made it executable, and then ran the script. For a second version, I adjusted the script to expect a string coming in as a parameter, then used that value to set the hostname. I ended up with three files hosted on an internal web server:

rootca-example-com.crt the root certificate from my internal CA.

policies.json contains the entries needed for firefox to disable automatic updates and to trust the above root certificate. Its contents are below:

  "Policies": {
    "Certificates": {
      "ImportEnterpriseRoots": true, "Install": ["/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/rootca-example-com.cert"]
  "DisableAppUpdate": true

buildscript2.txt is the customization script. It’s stored as text as my webserver blocks .sh files by default and getting the text and renaming the file client side was an easy workaround. This script is actually responsible for downloading the two files above and putting them in the right filesystem locations.

if [ -z $1 ]; then
  echo "Please provide an argument which is used for hostname and other logic."
  exit 1

# The following code will run for either case, gui or cli
sudo sed -i "s/sethostname box/sethostname $1/g" /opt/bootsync.sh

tce-load -wi ca-certificates curl pcre

sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
sudo wget http://www.example.com/build/rootca-example-com.crt -P /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
sudo update-ca-certificates
echo "usr/local/share/ca-certificates" >> /opt/.filetool.lst

echo "/usr/local/sbin/update-ca-certificates" | sudo tee -a /opt/bootlocal.sh 
echo "/usr/local/etc/init.d/open-vm-tools restart" | sudo tee -a /opt/bootlocal.sh 

if [[ $1 == *"gui"* ]]; then
  # install firefox and open-vm-tools-desktop packages
  tce-load -wi firefox_getLatest open-vm-tools-desktop

  # deploy firefox policy to disable autoupdate and trust certs
  sudo mkdir -p /etc/firefox/policies
  sudo wget http://www.example.com/build/policies.json -P /etc/firefox/policies
  echo "etc/firefox" >> /opt/.filetool.lst

  # install firefox latest

  # instead of loading the firefox_getLatest script, load actual firefox
  sudo sed -i 's/firefox_getLatest/firefox/g' /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst

  # install open-vm-tools package
  tce-load -wi open-vm-tools

# the follow will run after all else to backup the config.
echo y | backup

The script above looks for gui in the hostname provided and if present installs firefox and the open-vm-tools-desktop. Running the above script was executed like this:

wget http://www.example.com/build/buildscript2.txt
mv buildscript2.txt buildscript2.sh
chmod +x buildscript2.sh

After running the script, the VM is ready to use. I typically shut down the VM and export it as an OVF or OVA that can be placed on an internal web server and deployed as needed. This creates a super tiny appliance — only 26mb for CLI and 229mb for GUI versions. Not bad for a fully functional OS, with GUI, a web browser, and trusting my internal CA out of the box.

Note: the above script/process has only been tested with TinyCore 14.0 and 15.0 releases.

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